Japan Translation Association

Membership System

JTA Partners
JTA partners are translation companies, schools and other businesses who who share in our mission. We provide special offers for JTA Partners such as providing translation examinations and special discounts for attending seminars.


  • Raise social awareness regarding translation.
  • Increase quality of translation by fostering the growth of skills and knowledge.
  • Contribute to cultural and economic development by supporting translators in achieving professional independence.
>>Click here for details on JTA Members and for application (Japanese)

Strategic Partners
Strategic Partners are translation associations, translation companies and translation education institutions who share in our mission of building professionalism in the translation industry across borders. We aim to develop the following types of professionalism with the support of these Strategic Partners and contribute to the development of the translation industry.
  • Professionalism in translators - setting a global standard for the certification of translators.
  • Professionalism in translation companies- standardize the translation business in accordance with ISO17100.
  • Professionalism in translation education institutions – setting standards for professional accreditation in translation.